PSALM 32 - Psalm of RepentanceRead Psalm 32: 1-2
We can pray… Father, you call us to repentance and you can forgive any sin! As I begin this time of repentance with you, remind me to see Your smiling face upon me as I return to you.
Read Psalm 32:3-4
We can pray… Father, it hurts. It is painful. The guilt I hold. I groan and toss and I need you. Oh how I need you. Release me from … I repent.
Read Psalm 32:5
We can pray… Father, thank you for hearing my heart. I lay it before you. Thank you for taking this sin from me and refreshing me with Your merciful Spirit. Your forgiveness is sweeter than anything the earth could ever provide.
Read Psalm 32:6-7
We can pray… Father, hold us through this time. It is not easy to bring up and admit the things we have done or said that have hurt you and others. Sins we just want to hide and bury are now released through Jesus’ love and I am so thankful. I can hear your songs surround me. Protect me in Your strong arms and refresh my soul. Amen.
Read Psalm 32:8-9
We can pray… Father, YOU are the one who guides me. Lift my eyes to you alone, so I can see your eyes upon me. Teaching me. Counseling me. Today, I need you to show me what to do in this situation: _______________ Amen.
Read Psalm 32:10-22
We end by praying… Abba Father, we shout for Joy in you! We rejoice in Your unfailing love. Thank you for your unending, unconditional forgiveness through Jesus. Amen.
WEEK 1 - FEB 2
PSALM 121 - a PSALM OF ASCENTRead Psalm 121: 1-2
Father, when I face challenges, remind me to lift my eyes to You, my Creator and Helper. Help me trust that You are greater than ___________ when I face it today.
Take a moment to share with God the challenges on your heart today.
Read Psalm 121:3-4
Thank You, Lord, for being my constant Protector and Keeper, never sleeping or growing weary. Help me rest in the assurance that You are always watching over me.
Read Psalm 121:5-6
May I feel Your face shining upon me during ______________ today.
Lord, thank You for being my shelter and shade in every season. Guard me from harm today, both seen and unseen, as I walk under Your care. I thank you for all the times you have been my shelter in the past: ___________________.
Read Psalm 121:7-8
Jesus, I am so grateful for Your sacrificial forgiveness of my sins and eternal care over my life. Watch over my steps today, and help me trust in Your guidance and protection now and always.
Lift my eyes to You! Amen.