Check out everything going on for your kids at St. John!Next Big Event
Don't miss it — your kids will love it!
Kids at St John
Raising your family in faith is an important job. You want to get it right, and we want to help!
Our programs are safe places where your child will learn about what God has done for them through Jesus, out of love, and they can trust him no matter what. Our Kids spaces are rigorously cleaned on a regular basis.
If you don't find the information you need below, please click the contact button.

Birth - 3 YearsOur Sunday Morning Nursery is open from 8:00 a.m. to Noon and serves infants through 3 year olds. The nursery is in the Commons (lobby) of our Worship Center. The nursery, as well as all of our spaces, is rigorously cleaned on a regular basis.

Sunday School
9:45AM SundaysKids 3 years old through 4th grade are welcome at our Sunday School, 9:45 - 10:40 every Sunday morning in the Children's Ministry Center. Your kids will experience the love of God, have some fun and learn a Bible story each week!

Kids Church
Sundays at 11am
Wednesday Night Live
every wednesdayKids from 4 years old through 4th grade have their own program during Wednesday Night Live! Family dinner starts at 5:30, followed by music and fun, and then a kids program. It ends by 7:30.
American Heritage Girls
Trail Life
An important part of our Children's Ministry is our American Heritage Girls and Trail Life troops! Both troops are very active, very Christ-centered and Bible based. Boys and girls learn Christian character in a fun, safe, camping themed environment.