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We Can't Wait to Meet You
St. John is a place of connecting. As we go about our lives, we are in a sense at least, increasingly connected with technology. But all too often, we only connect more to work, being busy, activity etc.At St. John, we connect to God and his people. Come and visit us to or read more below to see how you can get plugged in.
St. John is a great place to raise your family in faith!
Our sermons are full of guidance from God that you can put to use in your real life as a parent. We offer many events for kids and the whole family. We want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Christ—your kids included!
- Nursery (Ages 0-3 years)
- Pre-School (Ages 4, 5, Kindergarten)
- Elementary (Ages 1st grade – 4th grade)
- Confirmation Students (5th-8th grade)
- Sr. Youth (9th-12th grade)
- Adult groups
Ways for Everyone to Connect