
Sunday, October 01, 2023

October 1 – The Greatest Blessing You Can Give Children 

Psalm 78:1-7;  Joel 1:3; Matthew 9:1-7

Jesus said that anyone who hears His Words and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  We all want our house built on the rock.  We all want our lives, our families and especially our children and grandchildren to be able to withstand the wind and the rains of life.  We want our children and grandchildren to thrive and reach their full potential.  Jesus has given us the words to put into practice to accomplish this.  His Word gives us direction in raising our children and grandchildren and building up our families.  When we put these words into practice, we are wise people who build our houses on the Rock of His Word.  Welcome to . . . Rocktober!


Building Closeness and Breaking Animosity in your Family 

Exodus 34:1-9; Ephesians 1:3-7; Matthew 6:14 & 15

Do you wish that your marriage was better?  Do you wish that people in your family didn’t annoy you so much?  Do you ever wish that you could do a clean sweep and start over instead of just continuing to sweep things under the rug?  God offers one little trick that can do it.  It’s simple, but it isn’t easy.  With practice, though, it can bring about a revolution in your family, your relationships, and your friendships.  It’s an authentic way of talking to each other that builds trust and intimacy.  It’s God’s way, and it works.


October 15 –  The Real Enemy

1 Corinthians 3:1-3, 10-16;  Matthew 6:-9-13

This October, St. John is featuring a series about building our houses on the Rock of Jesus Christ and His Word.  But we also have to understand that there is an enemy out to mess it all up.  Look around at the world.  The enemy is doing a great job of messing things up.  Tha antidote may surprise you.  See you this Sunday at St. John, a church worth going to every week!

October 22 – The Greatest Gift You Can Give Children 

1 john 3:11-16; Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 16:21-28

What is the greatest gift you can give your children?  A good education?  Health care?  Love?  What would you say if you had to pick one thing?  Come hear what Jesus said as we continue our series, Rocktober!

October 29 – The Stunning Conclusion

Romans 3:9-20; Romans 8:1-4; John 8:31–36

Reformation Sunday is also the Stunning Conclusion of our Rocktober Series.  Martin Luther’s reformation was all about law and gospel.  We’ll take that principle and apply it to developing a culture of God’s Word in your house.  Build your House on the Rock of Jesus Christ this Rocktober!